In this five-part series, we will focus on each of the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC’s) Criteria for Accreditation, which are the standards of quality by which the Commission determines whether an institution merits accreditation.

As with each accrediting body, the HLC develops its own standards and criteria to determine accreditation and conducts evaluations through a rigorous review process. The HLC looks at the institution as a whole, not just specific programs.

The goal of reaccreditation is to assure Illinois State students, as well as families and employers, that the University provides a quality educational experience. Illinois State participates in a ten-year cycle of accreditation, with 2024 being the end of the current cycle. You can learn more by visiting Accreditation | Illinois State.

How Illinois State conveys its mission is the focus of the Higher Learning Commission’s Criterion 1.

Core Components of Criterion 1 – Mission

1.A. – The institution’s mission is articulated publicly and operationalized throughout the institution.

1.B. – The institution’s mission demonstrates commitment to the public good.

1.C. – The institution provides opportunities for civic engagement in a diverse, multicultural society and globally connected world, as appropriate within its mission and for the constituencies it serves.

HLC is soliciting feedback regarding Illinois State as part of the reaccreditation process.
Community members can submit feedback online by visiting Submit Comments | Students-Communities (
or by postal mail to the following address:
Third-Party Comment on Illinois State University
Higher Learning Commission
230 LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604-1411

All submissions must be made in writing and received by September 27, 2024, to be considered.

For more information visit: