Illinois State University’s agriculture and international business programs are launching a Hatch crowdfunding campaign aimed at sending a talented team of students to the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) World Conference and Global Student Case Competition. This event is an opportunity for students, scholars, industry leaders, and policymakers to come together and discuss important global issues in food and agribusiness, focusing on transparency, sustainability, and growth.

In June 2024, a dedicated team of six Redbird students from agriculture and international business made Illinois State proud by winning first place in the undergraduate division at the IFAMA Global Student Case Competition in Almeria, Spain. Competing against over 20 teams from nine countries, these students tackled a real-world challenge around sustainability in the seed industry and shared their ideas with industry experts, showcasing their skills and teamwork on an international stage. Read more about their outstanding accomplishment.

Reflecting on their victory, Rodney Billerbeck, an agriculture student, and team participant, expressed the profound impact of the experience: “The moment I will remember forever is the excitement and emotions our team shared after it was announced that we won the global competition. We were beyond proud of ourselves for making it as far as we did but winning was the icing on the cake. In a few years down the road, the plaques may become another object in a storage box, but that memory we all share is something I know will stick with us for the rest of our lives.”

The competition left a lasting impression on the students, broadening their perspectives and shaping their future ambitions. Brandt Faivre, a junior agriculture major, noted how the event opened his eyes to diverse problem-solving methods. “Through this experience, I learned that there isn’t one right way to do things. Different parts of the world approach challenges based on their needs, and it doesn’t make their ways wrong; they are just different. This realization was very eye-opening, and I believe it will help me remain open-minded in my future career as I encounter various perspectives.”

Their success also showcased the power of interdisciplinary teamwork, which Dr. Barbara Ribbens, director of the Carson and Iris Varner International Business Institute, emphasized as a key factor. “The combination of critical thinking from our international business students and the deep knowledge of our agriculture students produced effective solutions and equipped them to face real-world challenges,” Dr. Ribbens shared. “This teamwork pushed them beyond their comfort zones and prepared them to share their expertise in diverse settings.”

Now, Illinois State is preparing to send 4-6 students, along with 1-2 advisors, to the 2025 IFAMA competition in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, this June 23-26. Though our total cost/need is $35,000 for travel, lodging, and competition fees, faculty is asking the Redbird community to help meet the initial crowdfunding goal for $8,000 to get started.

Generous alumni have already given $3,875 and they challenge the rest of the Redbird community to give as well to help us reach our total need and empower our talented students to shine on the global stage once again.

Participating in IFAMA offers invaluable hands-on learning experiences, allowing students to apply their classroom knowledge to real-world issues. Dr. Iuliia Tetteh, associate professor of agribusiness and lead advisor for the IFAMA team, emphasizes the significance of this competition:

Competing as an interdisciplinary team at the global agribusiness stage of IFAMA is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for students where they can not only deepen their knowledge and understanding of the industry but also network with people from all over the world, experience team building and critical thinking application in a real-world setting. This opportunity also allows them to get to know their strengths and areas for improvement, build friendships, and explore different cultures while abroad. Supporting a program like this means helping students expand their world horizons.”

The Hatch Crowdfunding Campaign is now live, and every bit of support helps. Whether you choose to make a gift or share the campaign, your contribution plays a vital role in helping our Redbird students succeed in this competition. Please consider supporting this exciting initiative.

For more details or to learn about other ways to contribute, visit the Hatch crowdfunding page online or contact the Office of Annual Giving at (309) 438-4483 or