Learning and development on the horizon
Upcoming offerings (looking forward and into April) include in-person options for Supervisor Foundations, Excel I and II (in-person hands-on sessions), Leading from the Middle, and more. Asynchronous (available 24/7) learning is also available through LinkedIn Learning (including a day-by-day calendar for Mindset). More information and additional campus learning opportunities can be discovered on the HR webpage.
Sick Leave Bank open enrollment
Human Resources has announced the open enrollment for the University Sick Leave Bank (SLB) program from April 3 through April 14 in iPeople. For more information, please review the Sick Leave Bank policy (3.1.38). Additional information will be shared via email in early April. If you have questions or concerns regarding the Sick Leave Bank program, please contact Human Resources at (309) 438-8311 or hrbenefits@IllinoisState.edu, and we will gladly assist.
Staff performance evaluations
Managing performance, setting expectations, and providing meaningful feedback is important to all staff growth on campus. Annually, managers and directors are encouraged to share performance appraisals with staff to mark the growth and development of employees. These forms and communications should then be sent to HR in an effort to keep documentation with other personnel records. Whether you are performing online evaluations, using one of the forms or cover-pages found here, and/or supplementing with your own documentation, please be sure to provide finished documentation to HR consistent with annual appraisal guidelines.
Health Alliance update
We received news yesterday that Health Alliance HMO will be ending its contract as a health insurance provider for State of Illinois employees. As soon as we are provided more information, we will share it with those impacted on campus with this coverage.
Please know that if Health Alliance is your current plan, your coverage continues through at least June 30, 2025, with no interruption. The normal Benefits Choice Open Enrollment Period will run during the month of May to give you an opportunity to change health insurance plans effective on July 1, 2025. The University at this time is scheduled to be hosting a Benefit Choice Fair on Monday, May 12 in the Prairie Room of the Bone Student Center. All available health insurance vendors will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have about their service and coverage.
For an archive of news and notes articles, past posts are available online.