Partake in the benefits massage can offer you, such as reducing stress, pain, muscle soreness, and tension while increasing relaxation, and improving circulation, energy, and alertness.
Health Promotion and Wellness partners with a licensed massage therapist, Ada Givan, to offer massage on campus each week. Massages are offered in 30-minute intervals and cost $1 per minute. Registration is required.
Fall Session: September 5 through December 19
- Days: Tuesdays and Fridays
- Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- Location: 153 McCormick Hall
- Cost: $30 for 30 minutes
Massages require registration. Use New Registration System Instructions if you need help.
Please contact Health Promotion and Wellness at (309) 438-WELL (9355) or with any questions.
To cancel a massage reservation, please contact Michelle Starkey at (309) 438-7003 or