John McHale, COM, received the 2023 Award of Excellence from the Broadcast Education Association.
Rajeev Goel, ECO, presented, “Corruption and academic freedom,” at the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean, National Research Council, in Napoli, Italy.
Katherine Ellison, ENG, authored the article, “Secret Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century: Theories and Practices of Cryptology,” in Cambridge University Press.
Susan Kim, ENG, authored the chapter “Since Significant Contributions to Knowledge Are Not Expected in School Texts,” in The Textbooks of John Matthews Manly and Edith Rickert.
Erika Sparby, ENG, authored the article, “Toward a feminist ethic of self-care and protection when researching digital aggression. In Crystal VanKooten & Victor del Hierro,” in Methods and methodologies for research in digital writing and rhetoric.
Jan Susina, ENG, authored the article, “`The Glory of Everything’: In Praise of County Fairs and Charlotte’s Web,” in RISE: A Children’s Literacy Journal.
Submit honors, publications, creative works, and presentations for “Research and Honors” by emailing report@ilstu.edu.