Milner Library has entered into an agreement with the publishers Elsevier and Wiley to provide access to large collections of eBooks. By doing so, the library expands its provision of content to facilitate the student and faculty needs for high-quality teaching and learning resources in digitally accessible format. Both collections are available from June 1, 2024–May 31, 2025. At the end of this period, personnel at Milner will review the usage data and costs alongside other considerations to retain those titles that best serve the University.

Elsevier’s 2019-2023 Health Science and Science & Technology Science Direct eBook collections provide a total of 6,806 recent publications in scholarly domains that are seeing significant growth at Illinois State University. Users can access these eBooks alongside journal articles and other materials on the Science Direct platform.

The Wiley Usage-Based Collection Management eBook Collection provides access to over 24,245 titles across a broad range of academic disciplines on the Wiley Online Books platform. Both Elsevier and Wiley do not license many of their eBooks via aggregators, and these agreements allow Milner Library to strategically add well-used eBooks from these publishers that may not be otherwise available.

As always, Milner Library selects materials for purchase based on the needs, requests, and usage of the University community. If you encounter problems accessing materials, please reach out to

To discuss the library’s strategy for building and sustaining collections, please reach out to Dr. Rachel Scott, associate dean for Information Assets. You may also request the purchase of specific materials for the library’s collections via our online form.