In June 2024, Illinois State University’s team of six undergraduate students from the Agriculture and International Business programs competed at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) World Conference and Global Student Case Competition in Almeria, Spain. Not only did they represent our university, but the team also won first place in the undergraduate division of the IFAMA Global Case Competition!

The ISU IFAMA team was formed in February and started preparing for the competition in March 2024. The team consisted of four Agriculture students—Brandt Faivre, Rodney Billerbeck, Patrick Collins, and Samuel Berry; and two International Business students—Leo Krueger and Riley Pruser—who were advised by Drs. Iuliia Tetteh (Agriculture, lead advisor), Barb Ribbens (International Business, co-advisor), and Aslihan Spaulding (Agriculture, co-advisor). “We recruited students from different programs to bring diverse backgrounds, personalities, strengths, and ideas together because complex challenges require innovative and diverse mindsets. And we are so happy we decided to go with that strategy,” said Dr. Tetteh.

The team met once a week from the end of March until early June to bond and analyze several case studies. To get a better feel of the process, the IFAMA team completed a simulated round of the competition on June 1. They had four hours to analyze the case and then present it to an audience of agribusiness leaders, alumni, and friends of the Agriculture and International Business programs. This opportunity helped students practice solving the case in a limited period to get valuable feedback from the audience. The simulated experience also excited the team about the upcoming trip and all the opportunities awaiting them.

The ISU IFAMA team competed alongside more than 20 other teams in Almeria, from over nine countries to analyze a new case focusing on sustainability issues in the seed industry and the role of the International Seed Federation in such initiatives. The competitors our team beat included teams from land grant universities like Kansas State and the University of Illinois.

“In a few years down the road, the plaques may become another object in a storage box, but that memory we all share is something I know will stick with us for the rest of our lives,” said Rodney Billerbeck, a junior agriculture major. This opportunity was funded in full by generous donors—Drs. Iris and Carson Varner have been long-time advocates for international business and food and agriculture industries. Stay tuned for the details about the Celebrate the Success night with the ISU IFAMA team in late September to learn more about their experiences in Almeria, next year’s location, and ways to support the ISU IFAMA team in 2025!

IFAMA Global Case Competition Team Presenting in the Finals Round
IFAMA Global Case Competition Team Presenting in the Finals Round