This fall, the 2024 Theory + Method virtual speaker series will host five leading scholars whose work advances innovative and inclusive methodologies and community-engaged research. The series is sponsored by Illinois State University’s Office of Research and Graduate Studies and is hosted by Dr. Anna Smith and the Education Now Lab, a community-engaged research-practice lab with interdisciplinary partners across campus. To learn more and register for the series, visit the Education Now Lab website.

Designing Conceptual Frameworks for Qualitative Research Studies
September 17, 2024, 6:30-8 p.m.
Johnny Saldaña, Arizona State University

Weaving an Otherwise: In-Relations Methodological Practice
October 8, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Amanda Tachine, University of Oregon and Dr. Z Nicolazzo, University of Arizona

Methods for Community-Based Research: Advancing Educational Justice and Epistemic Rights
October 29, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
Dr. María Paula Ghiso, Teachers College, Columbia University and Dr. Gerald Campano, University of Pennsylvania

To learn more about each of the speakers and to register for the series, visit the Education Now Lab website. There you can also find resources and recordings from the 2023 Creatively Critical Tech: Research + Practice + Design Speaker Series and the 2022 Theory + Method Symposium Series.