The Cross Endowed Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning requests proposals for a SoTL Mini-Grant program for FY16.
The work may be quantitative or qualitative in nature and focus on class, course, program, department, cross-department, and co-curricular levels. This program will provide mini-grants to study the developmental and learning outcomes of Illinois State students as a result of global/international/cross-cultural curricular or co-curricular experiences.
These experiences could be part of an Illinois State class or program on campus, a study abroad experience, a co-curricular travel and/or volunteer experience, etc. as long as a global/international/cross-cultural component is clearly a major aspect of the assignment or experience.
Mini-grants are for $1,000 per proposal. Funds may be used for any appropriate budget category (e.g., printing, commodities, equipment, travel, student help, and salary in FY16).
Proposals are due before 4 p.m. on Friday, October 30.
View eligibility and selection criteria here.
All SoTL work must be made public and peer reviewed in some way via presentation, performance, juried show, web site, video, and/or publication.