The College of Education will induct six alumni into its Hall of Fame on Friday, October 23.
College of Education to induct six alumni into Hall of Fame during Homecoming
The College of Education will induct six alumni into its Hall of Fame on Friday, October 23.
Illinois State University has faculty experts in hundreds of fields. Do you want to know about bicycle history, the antebellum period, or the Gilded Age? We have those covered and another 34 areas of history. Do you need experts in economics, education, nursing, politics, or the natural sciences? We have professors specializing in those subjects, too.
The new Food Science Lab opens this fall at Illinois State University. The state-of-the-art culinary facilities and new Food Nutrition and Management options give students an edge.
Assistant Professor of Physics Allison Harris recently received a grant of more than $100,000 from the National Science Foundation to develop a different way to follow the path particles take after collisions.
A doctoral student in the School of Biological Sciences is part of a duo that have discovered that even a small increase in temperature can have devastating effects on nervous system function
As landfills reach capacity, the University is finding new and inventive ways to practice landfill diversion and recycling efforts.
Associate Professor of Mathematics Sunil Chebolu has unraveled some secrets on a problem that has been plaguing mathematicians for more than 50 years.
Performances, presentations, and publications, of Illinois State faculty and staff.
The Council of Councils will take place at Illinois State University this year on October 15 and 16.
Winfred Avogo spent the summer inspiring graduate students in South Africa as part of his Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship.