Support Solar Car Team in rebuilding and racing toward sustainable innovation

solar car parked inside a show room

Illinois State University’s Solar Car Team, led by a diverse group of students, has launched a fundraising campaign to rebuild its award-winning Mercury 6 vehicle. They seek a minimum of $5,000 by December 31 to advance sustainable engineering and compete in the American Solar Challenge this coming June.

General education revision update

Old Main Bell on the ISU Quad in the fall

Since October, the Executive Committee of the General Education Revision Task Force has been carefully reviewing the feedback it received. The committee is currently engaged in making carefully considered and appropriate adjustments to their proposal and hopes the proposal will be completed by the end of the fall semester. 

Dr. John McHale wins the Santa Barbara International Diversity Film Script Award

John McHale in office

Illinois State University School of Communication Professor John McHale and co-author Xavier Jackson have won the 2023 Santa Barbara International Diversity Film Script Award for their script Nurses Versus the Virus, a dramatic feature film about a Black male nurse on the front lines during the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic.