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Volume 4 • Number 2 • Spring 2019

Watershed moment: Scholar’s studies on lakes worldwide sound environmental alarm
Nobel Peace Prize-winning scientist Catherine O’Reilly has been leading international research teams that have discovered climate change has been warming lakes worldwide, threatening the fish and humans depending on them.

CARE4U gives hope to at-risk youth
Created by Ani Yazedjian with a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the program focuses on relationship skills, job readiness, and financial literacy targeted toward at-risk youth.

From actuary to Guggenheim Fellow: A story of a composer
There is an unmistakable brightness to Carl Schimmel’s music. He infuses his compositions with subtle humor, even his more serious pieces. He is trying to tap into sentiments that are relatable to most everyone.

The Q-and-A with Aimee Miller-Ott: Are cellphones disconnecting us?
In this Q&A, Illinois State University Professor Aimee Miller-Ott talks about her study examining phone usage between helicopter parents and college students, the weird impasse we find ourselves in when a companion is on their phone, and how texting can lead to miscommunication, especially between couples and friends.

Student research: Demystifying math research through problem-solving
High school teachers and students get the opportunity to dive into math research each summer at Illinois State University through two programs organized by Distinguished Professor Saad El-Zanati.

Diversify your research through Milner Library
Milner Library has over 250 databases available. Here is a list of databases where content focuses on underrepresented populations.

Research spotlight: Institute for Corruption Studies
Associate Professor of Economics Oguzhan Dincer has opened the Institute for Corruption Studies in the heart of a state synonymous with political shadiness.

Ask a Redbird Scholar: Why are bird eggs different colors?
In this edition of Ask a Redbird Scholar, Illinois State University Associate Professor Angelo Capparella answers the question, Why are bird eggs different colors?

Ask a Redbird Scholar: Why does human hair turn gray?
In this edition of Ask a Redbird Scholar, Illinois State University Assistant Professor Alysia Mortimer answers the question, Why does human hair turn gray?

Ask a Redbird Scholar: Why are we running out of bees?
In this edition of Ask a Redbird Scholar, Illinois State Assistant Professor Benjamin Sadd answers the questions: Why are we running out of bees? What would be the impact of a world without them?

Redbird media: Latest books, media from ISU faculty
Here are a few of the latest books and media from Illinois State University faculty.