Educators can find tips, resources on CTLT’s new Pinterest page

CTLT's Pinterest Page

Ever find yourself wondering, what exactly it is students are doing on Pinterest? It’s just a Web page filled with pictures of things they like, right? Well, to some extent yes, we do appreciate adorable pictures of puppies or a great recipe for goat cheese empanadas. But did you know that Pinterest is not just for fluffy animals and incredible eats? Believe it or not, Pinterest can help educators, like you, connect to students, think up new and creative lesson plans, provide educational literature, and so much more.

Phone It In

  Last year, one of my college-bound nephews proudly told me that he had mastered the fine art of texting his friends while holding his phone underneath his desk while pretending to listen to his teacher during class.  He proclaimed that his teachers had no idea that he and his friends were texting.  Being the

Wikipedia Revisited

Have you looked at Wikipedia lately?  Even if you’re not consciously looking for information on the Wikipedia website, the chances are that you come across with Wikipedia entries as you search anything on Google.  It’s usually in one of the top five search results and whether you like it or not, it’s on our face

Another iPad Story

Few weeks ago, three of us, who teach the Design a Quality Online and Blended Course cohort program, received iPad so we can share with faculty how we can integrate this new tool into their academic life including research, teaching and service.  Jean-Marie already posted her experiences as a new user, so in my blog

Integrating Social Media Tools into your Courses

If you have not read my previous blog titled “The Power of Social Media”, please consider reading it when you have some time to spare. My intention to continue blogging on the use of Social Media and Learning is to draw your attention to the potential of these technologies to transform students’ learning and faculty

Using Technology to Improve Student Learning

Research indicates that technology can be used to improve teaching and learning if it is used in a way consistent with the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.  According to these principles good practice should encourage student and faculty contact, develop cooperation among students, use active learning techniques, ensure prompt feedback to students,

Is 8% too high or too low?

Yesterday was my turn to write a blog post, but I totally blanked out and did not have any ideas what to write about.  So, my first action in a situation like this is to randomly browse the Internet. I have various news sources on my portal page (I use myYahoo to aggregate various RSS