Student Yehiri Gonzalez and her journey to Teach Chicago Tomorrow

Student Yehiri Gonzalez stands wearing a red t-shirt that says "Believer, motivator, innovator, educator," in front of mural.

The College of Education’s collaboration with the Teach Chicago Tomorrow (TCT) pathways program supports Chicago Public School (CPS) graduates looking to become licensed educators in CPS schools. The program provides individual and community resources to support students of all backgrounds in starting their teaching career. Elementary Education student Yehiri Gonzalez speaks on her experience as a CPS graduate, and how the TCT program is supporting her education as a Bilingual educator.

Asian Heritage Week April 25-27, 2024

Collage of six images featuring events for Asian Heritage Week

The diverse culture of Asia will be celebrated with Asian Heritage Week, April 25-27, 2024, at Illinois State University. 

AsiaConnect, working with the Normal Public Library and Illinois Art Station, will hold festivities throughout the week. All events are free and open to the public. 

Queer Talks Lunch ‘n’ Learn to explore asexuality in media

Graphic of asexual pride flag (purple, white, gray, and black stripes). Cartoon faces are superimposed on the flag.

Are you unclear about what Asexuality is? Do you want to find out about ace representation in past and contemporary media? Join Queer Coalition and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies for the final Queer Talks Lunch ‘n’ Learn of the semester on April 4 to enhance your understanding of this often misunderstood sexual orientation and investigate how popular culture contributes to and confounds acephobia.