Illinois State University Division of Student Affairs will host Dr. Amanda Mollet, University of Kansas assistant professor and diversity and equity researcher, for two sessions on Tuesday, October 24.
Topic: Diversity
Latin American Latino/a Studies program creates a ‘Community of Belonging and Success’
As Illinois State’s student body becomes increasingly diverse with more first-generation students, a grassroots initiative to support the University’s newest Redbirds, called COBAS, is taking flight in the Latin American and Latino/a Studies program.
Five questions with Yolanda Alonso, Latinx Heritage Month presenter: We Are the Latinos en BloNo: Our Stories in Words & Photographs
“We Are the Latinos en BloNo: Our Stories in Words & Photographs” is the art and work of Yolanda Alonso. The exhibit is part of Illinois State’s celebration of Latinx Heritage Month and is free to the public at the Illinois Art Station from September 16-November 4.
School of Music presents the first events in the fall 2023 Charles W. Bolen Faculty Recital Series
Illinois State University School of Music faculty will showcase their artistry and talent in this semester’s Charles W. Bolen Faculty Recital Series. The recital series is named after Charles Bolen, the first dean of the Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts.
Civil Service September Spotlight: Jamie Anderson
The Civil Service Council will feature a Civil Service employee at Illinois State University each month to highlight an exceptional colleague and the outstanding work being done on campus. This month, learn about and applaud Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program administrative aide Jamie Anderson.
Chat with McHenry Visiting Professor Geeta Pasi
On September 19, the esteemed United States Ambassador (retired) Geeta Pasi, holding the prestigious title of the inaugural Donald F. McHenry Visiting Professor in Diplomacy and International Affairs at Illinois State University, graced an attentive audience of graduate and undergraduate students at a “Chat with an Ambassador” event sponsored by the Department of Politics and Government.
Dr. Do-Yong Park recipient of third Fulbright
Dr. Do-Yong Park is a recipient of the Fulbright Award for the third time.
The grant will support his project in Hanoi, Vietnam where he will teach a course on research methodology in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education at one of Hanoi’s premier universities of science and he will train lead teachers and administrators in STEM education from rural schools in the northern part of Vietnam.
Public forums for chief equity and inclusion officer finalists, September 19, 25, and 26
Members of the Illinois State University community will have a chance to meet the finalists for the position of chief equity and inclusion officer during public forums
Fall 2023 international seminar series event to focus on colonialism
The upcoming event for the fall 2023 International Seminar Series is now open for registration.
Micki Morency fiction reading, September 18
Publications Unit to host fiction reading and conversation with debut Haitian American novelist Micki Berthelot Morency on September 18.