College of Education student study abroad experience: Bayza Senbetta

Bilingual/bicultural education major Bayza Senbetta studies in Spain during the summer of 2015.

Through the “Jepsen Challenge,” your donations large and small help aspiring education majors afford to participate in unique study abroad opportunities offered by the College of Education. Alum Keith Jepsen ’67 M.S. ’68 and his spouse Kathleen Dore will match up to $25,000 in donations made by June 30, 2016 to the Jepsen International Scholars Program Endowment Fund and the College of Education Global Initiatives fund.

College of Education student study abroad experience: Sarah Brown

Elementary education major Sarah Brown studies in Spain during the summer 2015.

Through the “Jepsen Challenge,” your donations large and small help aspiring education majors afford to participate in unique study abroad opportunities offered by the College of Education. Alum Keith Jepsen ’67 M.S. ’68 and his spouse Kathleen Dore will match up to $25,000 in donations made by June 30, 2016 to the Jepsen International Scholars Program Endowment Fund and the College of Education Global Initiatives fund.