Forging ahead in forensic science

Colored photo of test tubes

Jensen leveraged her passion, previous achievements, high GPA, and participation in the Illinois State University Honors Program to score a seat at the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility.

FLAME seeking works for The Monologues

vintage theatre spot light on black curtain with smoke

Illinois State University’s student group Feminist Led Activist Movement to Empower (FLAME) is sending out a call for pieces for a performance of The Monologues.

Our 5 favorite campus perks 

The Bone Student Center offers a variety of perks and services

A handful of departments across Illinois State offer perks and services to Redbirds. These perks are designed to help students succeed both in and out of the classroom.

LinkedIn workshops to help students land jobs

Three students working together on a laptop

Are you familiar with how to use LinkedIn for your career? The Career Center shows Redbirds how to effectively utilize the online tool to build professional contacts and career connections, and to identify career opportunities.