Just a quick reminder that the Student Fitness Center’s hours will have the following facility hour changes during finals week.
Topic: Wellness
Making time to move during the work day
Not something to be taken sitting down, many of us spend a great deal of the day seated.
Walk with Wellness every Wednesday this summer!
After such a long winter, celebrate warmer weather by walking with Health Promotion and Wellness every Wednesday this summer!
Redbird Respect: Continuing conversations about sexual assault beyond April
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and like so many Aprils before it, this is a month of advocacy, of raising awareness, and of mobilization. But as with any cause worth fighting for—it cannot end here. An issue this important and prevalent should not be thought of only in April, but year round.
Get PAWSitively stress free during finals week, May 7 and 8
Take a break with certified therapy dogs, free chair massages, coloring, and other stress-relieving activities from 2–4 p.m. Monday, May 7, and Tuesday, May 8, in Milner Library during the special Finals Week PAWSitively Stress Free.
Stress Less Yoga Fest
Hey, Redbirds! It’s that time of year again. The last big projects and exams are wrapping up and finals are fast approaching. It is important to de-stress while studying for exams and preparing for projects.
Fostering connection and wellness through healthy relationships
Humans have an inherent desire to be close to other people in order to connect and build relationships.
Explore healthy eating with food samples and more at NutriFest, April 26
Join Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality; Health Promotion and Wellness; and other wellness organizations to celebrate healthy eating at NutriFest on Thursday, April 26.
Safe disposal of unused medications
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is hosting their annual Take Back event on Saturday, April 28, but you don’t have to wait for such an event to properly dispose of any unused or unfinished medications.
Understanding effects of trauma
The word trauma used to be a term that was mainly used in the field of social work and other helping professions, but lately it has become more common in everyday conversations.