A paint party exclusively for Redbirds and friends! Make a masterpiece and connect with fellow alumni.
Unit: Alumni Engagement
Days of May: Inside the infamous flagpole standoff that put ISU on the brink
On May 19, 1970, the Illinois State University campus reached a boiling point leading to what has become known as the “flagpole incident.”
Ride the waves at Raging Waves waterpark, July 8
Our annual alumni summer event is one to add to your 2017 must-dos.
Lunch ‘n learn at young alumni negotiating program
Enjoy lunch at Biaggi’s while learning ways to build negotiating skills on June 28.
Community movie night set for June 2
As a thank you to loyal fans and supporters, Illinois State Athletics will host a FREE screening of the animated hit feature Sing Friday, June 2, beginning at 6:30 p.m., at Hancock Stadium.
Deadline approaches for alumni awards nomination
The Alumni Association honors individuals during Founders Day celebrations.
Illinois State alumni and friends night with CornBelters
Join alumni, family, and friends for a cookout and some CornBelters baseball on June 15.
Proudly he served: Alumnus honored with Congressional Gold Medal
Agriculture classes that would prepare him for farming are what drew Ivan Maras ’52 to the University seven decades ago.
Alumni Association honors seven award recipients
The Illinois State University Alumni Association honored seven award recipients at Founders Day celebrations on February 16, as well as during a dinner program.
Pause for applause
Please applaud these Illinois State alumni’s accomplishments.