It’s almost the end of the summer, but Arizona is heating up with Redbirds at the go-kart track.
Unit: Alumni Engagement
Chicago Young Alumni Network showing Chicago how much Redbirds care
Young alumni in the Chicago area can volunteer with other Redbirds at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Festiv-Ale event Sept. 18.
Peoria Alumni Network ready to pig out, August 22
Peoria Redbirds can eat, drink, and be merry as they gather at The Whole Hog dinner August 22.
Dallas/Ft. Worth Alumni Network Gondola Party, August 28
Bring back Normal memories by enjoying Avanti’s gondolas with fellow Redbirds!
Summer events planned for Philadelphia Redbirds
The Philadelphia Area Alumni Network has three events planned for early September to get in the last few days of summer with fellow Redbirds!
Latin@ Alumni Network summer gathering and scholarship fundraiser, August 22
Enjoy a summer gathering to support the Latin@ Alumni Network’s student scholarship on August 22!
A letter from Student Alumni Council Alumni Chair Meg Oslund
Catch up with a few summer updates from Meg Oslund, SAC alumni engagement chair.
Student Alumni Council Homecoming 2015 updates
Student Alumni Council is ready for Homecoming 2015 and to reconnect with SAC alumni!
Ways for Student Alumni Council alumni to stay connected
There are several ways our SAC alumni can stay involved with Illinois State University.
Chicago Young Alumni happy hour series continues July 30
The Chicago Young Alumni Network’s second happy hour is set for July 30 at the Weather Mark Tavern.