It’s sweet to be a CSD major

image of Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Banquet 2015

The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association and the Student Academy of Audiology held the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders’ annual banquet April 24.

Model UN gives ISU students global experience

Illinois State Model UN team

Illinois State junior Frank Cassata’s passion for international relations traces back to his family’s roots in Sicily. It’s that passion that led Cassata to join Illinois State’s Model UN team.

Umoja, Lavender Graduation celebrate achievements

Porscha M. Stevens is bestowed with the Kente cloth

The pre-commencement ceremony Umoja: Celebration of Black Graduates at Illinois State has opened the door for a new ceremony this year called the Lavender Graduation: Celebration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) and Allied Graduates. Ceremony founders say the events provide students—and the campus—another chance to celebrate.

Emerging as national force in biomathematics

Along with an international journal and hosting the largest biomathematics conference in the nation, Illinois State is spearheading a quickly growing consortium of universities dedicated to advancing the science of biomath.

Oil’s unconventional future talk April 27

image of oil sands

Gavin Bridge will present the Distinguished Geographer Lecture “Oil’s Unconventional Future,” at 3 p.m. Monday, April 27, in the Old Main Room of the Bone Student Center.