Ameren director, alumnus to talk at physics colloquium

image of moulton hall at Illinois State University

Alumnus Donald Waddell will present “Foundations in Physics—Decades of Career Opportunity” for the next talk in the Department of Physics’ Fall Colloquium Series at 4 p.m. Tuesday, September 29, in Moulton Hall, room 214.

Fall 2015 Speaker Series announced

The Speaker Series of Illinois State University will tackle topics including nuclear disarmament, fighting Ebola, Civil War soldiers, conversations on rape, public health, and equity for public schools.

Classroom bias topic of September 18 talk

ISU Seal

Professor of Psychology Eros DeSouza and Assistant Professor of Social Work Mark Olson will present, “Is Coming Out in the Classroom Still an Occupational Hazard?” at 3:30 p.m. Friday, September 18.