Redbird legacy: Four children follow couple’s lead

Family of six holding up signs of the years they graduated.

An apartment choice made independently by Bob Mathes and Susan (Hawkins) as they completed undergraduate degrees in agriculture and chemistry respectively resulted in romance and creation of an ISU legacy family.

Gunnar Klitzing wins undergraduate poster competition

Gunnar Klitzing, a senior with a double major in engineering technology and financial accounting, was selected as the winner of the Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Undergraduate Student Poster Award for 2019.

Means Center to foster entrepreneurship through research

State Farm Hall of Business

At its heart, the George R. and Martha Means Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at Illinois State University seeks to foster entrepreneurship through teaching, impactful outreach programs, and research, according to Avimanyu Datta, Ph.D.