Under the direction of Maribeth Lartz and Mindy Ely, the funds will help develop the LIMITLESS program, leading cohorts in integrating special education and speech language pathology coursework into their training.
Unit: College of Education
Make Grading Point-less: Eliminating points to foster student motivation
Dr. Jay Percell remembers the day it all changed, the day that he started questioning the use of points to assign students’ grades.
Bilingual Advocacy Week to feature author, educator Gregory Michie
Dr. Gregory Michie, the author of Same as It Never Was: Notes on a Teacher’s Return to the Classroom, will be the keynote speaker for Bilingual Advocacy Week.
Teacher education programs recognized for excellence in educator preparation
Illinois State University teacher education programs are being recognized for excellence in educator preparation.
Reflections on the Culturally Responsive Campus Community (CRCC) Conference
The fourth annual Culturally Responsive Campus Community (CRCC) Conference was held on November 18 and 19 at Illinois State University.
NCUE students support CPS students at community centers during CTU strike
The ISU National Center for Urban Education (NCUE) has always worked within a community-integrated model for teacher preparation.
Department of Special Education launches campaign for new assistive technology
A crowdfunding campaign is underway for the Department of Special Education to raise money for new and updated assistive technologies (AT). Illinois State’s special education program is one of only two in the U.S. that prepares teachers in D/deaf and Hard of Hearing, Low Vision and Blindness, and Learning and Behavior Specialist. Our students take
Two sisters, two educational journeys, one destination
Sarah Tolmie ’15 and Jessica Tolmie ’18, traveling along different paths, recently found their way to teaching positions at the same ISU partner high school.
University advising awards announced
Brenton Kane, Amanda Papinchock, and Troy Hinkle will be honored with university Academic Advising Awards on February 7.
Bertrand, Thomas named 2019 Teaching Initiative Award winners
Two pre-tenure faculty were recognized for their outstanding teaching at the annual Teaching and Learning Symposium.