COM majors advance in their careers working for ISU

Fell Hall

The thought of finding a career after graduation can seem intimidating to most undergraduates as their time in college dwindles down. Resume building, interviews, salaries, and, of course, the location of where you will end up all matter so much.

The Extending Empathy Project helps others during this difficult time in history

Illinois State University’s Department of Psychology and School of Communication are proud to showcase their new take to helping the community of ISU become more educated and have a better understanding of social, racial, and economical adversity today. They call it, “The Extending Empathy Project: On the Way to Tulsa.”

Communication graduate students to attend virtual conference

exterior of Fell Hall

Scholars from the School of Communication will attend this year’s virtual Central States Communication Association (CSCA) conference from March 23 to March 28. The 2021 CSCA is an opportunity for communication professors, staff, alumni, and graduate students to present their scholarly work. While this year’s event will be hosted virtually instead of in-person, the School