Teaching a subject as weighty as the Holocaust is no easy feat. Paula Ressler and Becca Chase provide guidance through their new book, Meaningful Encounters: Preparing Educators to Teach Holocaust Literature.
Unit: English
How Stories Teach Us: New book collaboration between professor and Ph.D. alumnus
Professor Amy E. Robillard and English doctoral alumnus D. Shane Combs have published a new edited collection, How Stories Teach Us: Composition, Life Writing, and Blended Scholarship.
Memorial service for Joan Crooks on September 12
A memorial service for Joan Crooks will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, September 12 in room 401A in Stevenson Hall. All are welcome to attend and remember this talented colleague.
Individuals, organizations honored for civic engagement work
Illinois State University recognized students, faculty, staff, and on- and off-campus groups for their outstanding contributions to civic engagement.
PRESS 254 book launch and reading, May 1
Join PRESS 254 at the Publications Unit for a book launch and reading event to celebrate the publication of our first full-length book, Tapestries, on May 1.
Publications Unit Alumni Showcase featuring August Schiess
August (Cassens) Schiess ’13, is an Illinois State University alumnus of the Department of English publishing studies program who spent her time in her undergraduate career maximizing her experience as a production assistant at the Publications Unit, a Bone Student Scholar, and a night editor and columnist for The Vidette.
The Man Behind the Comics: Christopher Priest, April 17
Christopher Priest, the first African American editor and writer of comic books, will be coming to Illinois State University from 3-5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, in Stevenson Hall, room 101.
Legendary poet, editor Jerome Rothenberg to discuss publishing, April 11
Internationally celebrated poet, editor, translator, and anthologist Jerome Rothenberg will share his experiences at Illinois State University on April 11.
Poets, poetry celebrated with SRPR Lucia Getsi Reading Series, April 11
Poets Mark Svenvold, Kristin Prevallet, and Jerome Rothenberg will offer readings for the annual SRPR Lucia Getsi Reading Series on Thursday, April 11.
Women’s and Gender Studies Symposium, March 22
Qwo-Li Driskill will give an address titled “Performing Revolution, Scholarship, and Decolonial Practice” at the Women’s and Gender Studies Symposium on Friday, March 22.