Dr. Traci Carte, Director of the School of Information Technology, talks recent research work

Traci Carte in her office.

Dr. Traci Carte is an award-winning researcher and teacher who joined CAST as the Director of the School of Information Technology over a year ago. Carte earned her Ph.D. in Information Systems (IS) from the University of Georgia, spent 15 years as a faculty member at the University of Oklahoma, and served as the chair of the IS department at Kennesaw State University in Georgia.

Congratulations from the School of Information Technology

Graduating student receiving diploma

The School of Information Technology extends congratulations to the Class of 2020 on graduating during these interesting times. You are now a member of the Illinois State University alumni family, which is almost 220,000 alumni strong. Please stay in touch with the School of Information Technology and Illinois State. We wish you continued success in

Healing on a high note

Artist's representation of Brett Gillan in front of Nashville skyline.

Brett Gillan ’02, MBA ’08 talks about his experience at Illinois State and how it formed a unique path for his future.