Free test prep resources now available to Redbirds

young woman holding a textbook and smiling at the camera

Through a new Illinois state-wide partnership, Illinois State University students will now receive free access to Kaplan’s industry-leading test prep resources for graduate admissions exams, licensure, and credentialing exams, as well as skills development courses. 

Queer Coalition film series celebrates queer women and the stories they tell

Image of film camera on pink and red background

Queer Coalition, Illinois State University’s LGBTQIA+ affinity group for faculty, staff, and graduate students, is excited to present In Her Image: A Film Series Celebrating Queer Women and The Stories They Tell. This special event will run February 18 through March 19 at the historic Normal Theater, showcasing four independent films directed by and starring

Career tips for graduating Redbirds

graduation cap with "Class of 2024" written on it

Whether you’re starting a new job, about to enter graduate school, or still deciding what’s next, these tips from Career Services can help you as a new alum.

Fall 2024 FIREBird and BirdFEEDER Grant Winners Announced

A group of people look at images displayed in an art gallery.

The Office of Student Research (OSR) at Illinois State University announces the winners of the fall 2024 FIREBird and BirdFEEDER research grants. These small grants provide funding to support student research, scholarly inquiry, and innovation at Illinois State.

CAS Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Jeffrey Wagman

Dr. Jeffrey Wagman

Dr. Jeff Wagman, 2024-25 CAS Distinguished Lecturer, will give his talk, “An Ecological Approach to Perception by Touch (from Head to Toe),” in the Circus Room, Bone Student Center, on Monday, October 21, at 3:30 p.m.

An invitation to the inaugural Dean’s Research Challenge Symposium

An image of the sculpture in front of Stevenson Hall.

All members of the College of Arts and Sciences are invited to attend the inaugural Dean’s Research Challenge Symposium on Friday, October 11, 401 Stevenson Hall. The keynote address, “Advancing Environmental Justice Research through Community Partners,” will be delivered at 11:30 a.m. by Dr. Mariela Fernandez, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.