Ashley Boaz, a senior psychology major, and her team worked with Professor Steve Croker this semester to explore magical thinking and the idea that a person can control outcomes through an object.
Unit: Psychology
Psychology students participate in University Research Symposium
A total of 111 students from the Department of Psychology shared their research at the 2015 University Research Symposium.
School Psychology Institute research colloquium
Heather Ringeisen with the National Institute of Mental Health will present “Understanding the Context of Long-Term Foster Care: Risks for Placement and Association with Child Well-Being Outcomes” at 2 p.m. Friday, April 17, in DeGarmo Hall, room 39.
2015 annual School Psychology Institute April 24
The 2015 annual School Psychology Institute will be from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Friday, April 24, in the Bowling and Billiards Center next to the Bone Student Center.