Focus on Fulbright: Spring 2022 International Seminar Series

Headshots of presenters

The March 30 session of the Spring 2022 International Seminar Series, ISU International Engagement, will feature Dr. Lea Cline, Dr. Erin Mikulec, and Mr. Jason Reblando presenting “Focus on Fulbright.” Advanced registration is required.

Staged reading of Dear Mr. C, April 22

Collage image of four previous Crossroads sponsored productions.

The Crossroads Project will present a staged reading of Dear Mr. C by Tidtaya Sinutoke, winner of the 2022 Diverse Voices Playwriting Initiative on Friday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Center for the Visual Arts (CVA), room 110.

Research and Honors, March 22, 2022

laptop, headphones, computer keyboard, coffee

Publications Willard Bohn, LAN, co-wrote an introduction to a chapter titled “Investigating Poetry with J. V. Foix” for the Forum for Modern Language Studies.  Drew Lugar, Michael Barrowclough, Jay Solomonson, and Lucas Maxwell, AGR, published “The effect of an interactive classroom app on student performance and non-educational device usage in a college animal science course”