Call for artifacts: We want to hear your WGSS stories 

A collage of various WGSS events at ISU.

In collaboration with the Jo Ann Rayfield Archives at ISU, the WGSS Program is putting out a call to alumni and all members of the ISU community for any artifacts, materials, photos, or stories related to the WGSS Program at ISU. 

Rekindling the FLAME

Hannah Pelphrey gives a speech to participants of the Take Back the Night March in front of the fountain by Stevenson Hall.

Illinois State’s Feminist Led Activist Movement to Empower (FLAME) was reignited during the Fall of 2022.

Dr. Kass Fleisher (1959-2023) 

Dr. Kass Fleisher

On Tuesday, April 4, family, friends, and community gathered in the Bone Student Center to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Kass Fleisher.