The Cross Endowed Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and the University Graduate School celebrated students who completed the first-ever Certificate of Specialized Instruction in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University.
The first cohort of students completing the program were honored April 13. The cohort included:
Taylor Bauer, COM (Mentor: Maria Moore, COM)
Olga Cochran, ENG (Mentor: Susan Burt, ENG)
Patricia Huete, SOC (Mentor: Frank Beck, SOC)
Matt Johnson, CHE (Mentor: Jean Sawyer, CSD)
Elizabeth Jones, ENG (Mentor: Jennifer Friberg, Cross Endowed Chair in SoTL)
Jillian Joyce, COM (Mentor: Cheri Simonds, COM)
Theo Nzaranyimana, AGR (Mentor: Rob Rhykerd, AGR)
Mijan Rahman, ENG (Mentor: Susan Hildebrandt, LLC)
Lauralyn Randles, SED (Mentor: Olaya Landa-Vialard, SED)
Joe Rice, POL (Mentor: Michaelene Cox, POL)
Raj Sankaranarayanan, TEC (Mentor: Anu Gohkale, TEC)
Created to provide graduate students an introduction to the scholarship of teaching and learning, the certificate requirements include taking part in a series of three workshops to understand teaching and learning research, with an emphasis on planning research focused on teaching and learning. Workshops were followed by focused work with a disciplinary mentor to plan a project focusing on the scholarship of teaching and learning.
To learn more about the certificate, email