2017 Birth-to-Third Grade Continuity Conference

Puzzle piece with hands raised

Sustained and aligned early childhood programs, birth through third grade (B-3), have the potential to be an educational game-changer. To support this work, the Illinois Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development (OECD), the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), and the Center for the Study of Education Policy (CSEP), is pleased to announce an opportunity

Ready to be an Illinois principal?

Principal preparation

Erika Hunt, of Illinois State’s Center for the Study of Education Policy, and Mary Kay Scharf, of Bloomington School District 87, presented April 1 to a meeting of statewide school service personnel organizations on House Bill 289

K-12 education resources

K12 school bus

The following resources focus on the educational climate and betterment of those serving the K–12 educational community.

Teaching and leadership resources

Teaching and Leadership chair and markers

The following is a list of recent resources for those focused on the professional improvement of teachers, principals, and other educational leaders.