Critical Gerontology Comes of Age
Edited by Christopher Wellin, associate professor of sociology and coordinator of gerontology programs, Department of Sociology and Anthropology (Routledge, 2018)
Critical Gerontology Comes of Age reflects on how baby boomers, caretakers, and health professionals are perceiving and adapting to historical, social, political, and cultural changes. Through an exploration of earlier and later-life stages, chapter authors reexamine the research, methods, and scope of critical gerontology. Critical gerontology topics include Medicare, privatization of home care, incarceration, outreach to LGTBQ elders, migration, and chronic illness. This volume reflects multiple perspectives and is accessible to lay readers, advanced undergraduates and graduate students, and professionals in many fields. In addition to editing this book, Professor Christopher Wellin contributed two chapters.
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Exercise Science
Co-authored By Alan Lacy, associate vice president for academic fiscal management, Office of the Provost; and Skip Williams, assistant professor, School of Kinesiology and Recreation (Routledge, 2018)
The eighth edition of Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Exercise Science emphasizes the link between theory and practice and reflects the most recent changes in national physical education programs. The book covers a full range of introductory topics, including current trends in measurement and evaluation, program development, statistics, test selection, and an expanded chapter on alternative assessment. Offering a full companion website featuring an instructor’s manual, lecture slides, and a test bank, this book is an essential resource
for instructors and students.
Reform and Literacy Education
Edited by Sarah Hochstetler, associate professor, Department of English (Routledge, 2018)
A resource for literacy educators and graduate students, Reform and Literacy Education provides an overview of where, when, and how efforts to shape education influence literacy teaching, as well as what literacy educators can do to advocate for themselves, their students, and the profession. Organized around three themes—history, effects, and advocacy—this book offers an exploration of the complex issues surrounding literacy education, and suggests coherent approaches to evaluating and understanding the various policies and reform efforts, and their impacts on literacy teaching and learning.
The Late Preterm Infant
By Denise Hammer, assistant professor, Mennonite College of Nursing
Professor Denise Hammer developed an online nursing education module that increases awareness of late preterm infants. The module, The Late Preterm Infant, includes care practices, information on guidelines for care, and highlights the health risks and complication for this population of infants. The internal computer-based platform allows for the content to be shared with many nurses and staff at multiple locations. The resulting increase in awareness by nursing staff will have an impact on the outcomes for these infant and their families.
Some of the information from these summaries came from the authors and their publishers. Books, audio and video recordings, and mobile applications created by Illinois State University faculty, staff, and students are eligible for inclusion in this section. Submit entries to