Illinois State University’s Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts offers Saturday morning visual arts and creative drama classes for children from kindergarten (5 years old) through eighth grade. Classes will be held September 17-October 15.

The Visual Arts program allows students to creatively express thoughts and ideas using a variety of materials and processes while learning about art and artists from various countries and cultures. This class will be taught from 9-10:50 a.m. and held in the Center for the Visual Arts (CVA) on the Illinois State University campus.

The Creative Drama program develops skills in theatre through imagination, creativity, and exploration while using communication and collaboration abilities. Classes are taught from 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. with classes for kindergarten–first grade, second grade–third grade, and fourth grade–sixth grade and are held in Milner Library on the Illinois State University campus.

For questions contact Judith Briggs (art) at or Michael J. Vetere III (drama) at Those who will need accommodations to fully participate in this program please call (309) 438-7938.