The Illinois State University Planetarium will present Laser Fantasy, an incredible series of full-dome laser concerts, the weekends of September 15-17 and 22-24.

Dazzling lasers and music are featured in shows that explore a different artist or musical genre, from classic rock to country. Included is music of the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Elton John, Queen, Pink Floyd, and other artists.

The complete concert list and presentation times, including midnight shows, is available on the ISU Planetarium’s website.

Admission to this unique Planetarium event is only $10 per person. Cash or checks only. Normal Public Library passes are not applicable for this special event. Tickets may be purchased before each presentation at the Planetarium door. There are no advanced ticket sales. Seating is limited.

The ISU Planetarium is located under the white domed roof at the eastern end of Felmley Hall of Science Annex. Felmley Hall is located on the northeast corner of the ISU campus at the intersection of College Avenue and School Street.

Free parking for the ISU Planetarium’s evening and weekend programs is available a short distance from the ISU Planetarium in University parking lot F-67, located on the east side of School Street.

For more information, please call the ISU Planetarium’s Skyline at (309) 438-5007 or visit the Planetarium website.