
John McHale, COM, and co-author Xavier Jackson won the 2023 Santa Barbara International Diversity Film Script Award for their script Nurses Versus the Virus, a dramatic feature film about a Black male nurse on the front lines during the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Ashley Farmer and Kaitlyn Selman, CJS, were elected to the American Society of Criminology: Division on Critical Criminology and Social Justice Executive Board (DCCSJ). Dr. Farmer will take office as the vice chair, and Dr. Selman will take office as the secretary/treasurer.

Doris Houston, President’s Office, was honored by the Bloomington Normal Branch of the NAACP as October Woman of the Month. 

Jason Whitesel, SOC & WGSS, has accepted an invitation to join the editorial board of Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society for a three-year honorary appointment commencing in January 2024.

John Miller, ART, has an exhibition titled, “Order Up! The Pop Art of John Miller” at the Lowe Art Museum at the University of Miami and recently was featured by the New York Times.


Gina Hunter, ANT, coauthored “Mentoring Undergraduate Research and Centering Collaboration” in Practicing Anthropology. 

Angela Bonnell, Milner Library, published “Learning the Basics of Social Programs and Services through Federal Government Sources,” in What Can U.S. Government Information Do for Me? Librarians Explain the Discovery and Use of Public Data, Documents, Maps and Images. 


Katrin Paehler, HIS, presented a paper titled, “Women Who Work(ed) in Nazi Germany: Hildegard Beetz, Nazi Fluidities, and American Bewilderments” and was part of a panel labeled, Negotiating Nazi Gender Norms: The SD, the SS, and the BDM at the annual conference of the German Studies Association (GSA) in Montreal. She also provided commentary on a panel called Provenance in Archives, Libraries, and Memory

Touré Reed, HIS, delivered Illinois College’s fall convocation address. His lecture was titled, “Is it Race or Racism?: Why Binary Explanations for Inequality Have Failed Black Americans.” He also delivered an invited paper to the Philosophy of Race Workshop at the University of Pennsylvania. The program was titled, “Is it Race or is it Racism? Delving into Race Reductionism vs. Class-First Explanations in Social Phenomena.” 

Ali Riaz, POL, participated in two panel presentations at the Bay of Bengal Conversation: Rising Tides (BOBC) 2023, held at Dhaka, Bangladesh, and organized by the Center for Governance Studies (CGS). Dr. Riaz was one of the panelists in a session titled, “Culture Wars Across the Borders,” and in a session focusing on the 10 years of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). He also was quoted recently by several international media outlets and provided commentaries on the implications of Bangladesh’s political crisis and ensuing violence.

Lindsay Marshall, HIS, presented her work at two roundtables at the Western History Association Annual Conference: “Reckoning with Animals and Settler Colonialism: More-Than-Human Relationships in the Many American Wests” and “The Effect of Anti-CRT Legislation on History Education.” She also facilitated programming for the Committee on Teaching and Public Education, connecting K-12 teachers with WHA scholars and fostering collaboration.   

Submit honors, publications, and presentations for “Research and Honors” by emailing report@ilstu.edu.