The public is invited to the 5th annual Image of Research at Illinois State University Competition Exhibit at the University Galleries on Thursday, February 8, where images from this year’s 21 finalists will be on display throughout the day.

All are welcome to attend and to vote for their favorites in the graduate and undergraduate student categories. During the reception, from 4-6 p.m., winners of the 1st and 2nd place, as well as the people’s choice awards, will be announced.

The Image of Research competition invites student researchers to convey their research or creative scholarship with a single, static image and to describe the connection of research to image in a 150-word abstract. Winners receive cash prizes.

Each year external jurors evaluate the entries based on visual impact, uniqueness, and the connection between image and narrative. This year’s jurors were Ian Crawley and Jane Camp. Crawley is a local artist and earned an M.A. from the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design in Birmingham, England. Jane Camp also is a local artist and a professor of art at Heartland Community College.

This competition is sponsored by the Office of Student Research, the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Milner Library, and University Galleries.