Why I chose ISU: Location and potential programs

Dana with her friends

Deciding where to go for college is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. You’re not only choosing where you will further your education, but you’re picking a home for the next few years.

My experience in the Illinois State Pep Band

Pep band members perform

Who wears hockey jerseys and keeps us entertained at sporting events? The Illinois State Pep Band! I was given the opportunity to play drums in the Pep Band, and it was a blast.

Ditch the winter blues: Tips from an ISU student

students walk through the snow

People wonder how us Midwesterners battle through the cold every winter. It may not always be enjoyable, but here are a few insights to help you win that battle this winter at the frosty Illinois State.

My semester in Italy

Lauren Vahldick on a boat in Venice with other students

Studying abroad in Florence, Italy was life changing. I had stories to tell, pictures to share, and I saw everything differently, making this my favorite Illinois State experience.

Your Holy Grail guide to backpacks

Dana Gleason

As you prepare for your transition from high school into college there is probably something I should share with you. There are no, I repeat, no lockers in college.