Focus on social wellness during holiday season

Social Wellness

The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year right? Not always. From too many commitments to family tension, the holidays can be a hard time to navigate. Be proactive and avoid feeling frazzled during this busy time of year.

Network your way to a career

career center networking

Statistics show that only 10-20 percent of jobs are ever published. This means that 80-90 percent of jobs are hidden in the job market. This is the reason why networking is so important when looking for a job. A network is a group of supporters who are a professional resource for someone in their job search and in their career. A great network connection is someone who can provide you with career information or advice.

Make time to move at the office

image of ergonomics

Sitting, standing, and working at a computer for too long can cause discomfort as well as lead to decreased productivity and ability to focus. Sitting for long periods can also increase your risk of certain illness and chronic disease. Your body craves movement and variety in your postures. Microbreaks of six to 10 seconds are recommended every 20-30 minutes. Longer activity breaks are advised at least once an hour. Here are some tips to help work more movement into your day.

Focus on environmental wellness

Illinois State Quad

Your overall well-being is closely tied to the health of the environment. Here are some easy ways to help the environment (and yourself!).

Just say no to fat talk

friends don't let friends fat talk

Fat talk is a statement made in everyday conversation about yourself or others that contributes to body dissatisfaction and reinforces the thin ideal.

Smoking and the environment

protest squirrel

Earlier this year, the Quad and certain adjacent areas went smoke free. The health effects of smoking are well-known, but do you know what effect smoking has on the environment?