Valentine’s Big Band Dance, February 14

valentine day big band

Illinois State University Jazz Ensembles I and II, directed by Tom Marko, will present their annual Valentine’s Big Band Dance from 7-10 p.m. Friday, February 14, at the New Lafayette Club, located at 1602 S. Main St. in Bloomington.

Choral Showcase Concert Sept. 25

image of musical notes from DepositPhotos

Illinois State University’s Concert Choir, Madrigal Singers, Men’s Glee Club and Women’s Choir will perform in concert at the Choral Showcase on Sunday, Sept. 25, at 3 p.m. in the University’s Center for the Performing Arts Concert Hall.

Babbitt Trombone Recital Sept 27

photo of a trombone and sheet music

Mark Babbitt, associate professor of trombone in Illinois State University’s School of Music, will present a free recital on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 8 p.m. in Kemp Recital Hall.

Los Pinguos in Concert Sept. 25

Brown Ballroom 2015

Illinois State University’s Brown Ballroom will resound with Latin rhythms as Los Pinguos takes the stage on Sunday, Sept. 25, at 3 p.m.