College of Business announces Hall of Fame inductees

College of Business Hall of Fame

Each year the College of Business inducts a select group of highly accomplished graduates into its Alumni Hall of Fame and Service Hall of Fame in recognition of their significant career accomplishments, outstanding service to others, and their long-standing dedication to the college and its mission.

Q&A with M.S.W. alum Maggie Jones

Maggie Jones

Maggie Jones, M.S.W. ’12, is the manager at Child and Family Connections of Central Illinois Office 16, a division of Easter Seals. She works in the early intervention program.

Q&A with B.S.W. alum Claudia Santana

Claudia Santana

Claudia Santana ’14 is a case manager at Home Sweet Home Ministries in Bloomington. The Bachelor of Social Work graduate works with the local homeless population in McLean County.

Iraq War vet turns tragedy into comedy

Steve Rice onstage at Laugh Factory

In December 2003, a roadside bomb in Iraq turned U.S. Army 1st Lt. Stephen Rice’s left foot into hamburger. Nine years later, Rice ’02 was onstage at the Laugh Factory in L.A. joking about it.