7 ways to explore intellectual wellness

intellectual wellness

Intellectual wellness involves expanding one’s knowledge and skills by engaging in creative and stimulating mental activities through scholastic, technical, or cultural endeavors.

Fresh FAVs deadline September 16

Fresh FAVs logo

Forget the grocery store. Fresh FAVs is a program that brings fruits and vegetables right to campus. Open to students, faculty, staff, and retirees, Fresh FAVs offers low-cost, high-quality produce once a week for eight weeks.

Ways to stress less this school year

relaxed student

The beginning of a new school year can stress out even the most laid back and prepared students. And while stress is a normal and necessary part of life, Illinois State students report stress as one of their top barriers to academic success. Health Promotion and Wellness has numerous programs and events to help you

Reactions: Health cannot be judged by numbers alone

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Erin Link of Health Promotion and Wellness said solely fixating on numbers, like weight and body mass index (BMI), is an approach doomed to fail, as it ignores the growing concept of “overall health.”

Support for nursing mothers

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Learn more about Illinois breastfeeding laws, Illinois State University policy, and how to successfully return to school or work as a breastfeeding mom. This free class will be from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, August 7, in the Faculty Staff Commons Conference Room at the Bone Student Center and is open to faculty, staff, and students.

Sleep: It does a body good

person nappping

Substantial sleep is an essential component to a happy and healthy life. The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Although it may be difficult to obtain the appropriate amount of sleep, finding time for it will improve your mental and physical health.