Let’s talk about mental health

School of Kinesiology and Recreation student Emily Yacko and Professor Rachel Smith are active mental health advocates spreading the word about mental health awareness and suicide prevention

Queertober at Illinois State University

symbols of various pride flags together

Illinois State University’s Pride organization turns 50 this year. Students will celebrate ISU Pride and Queertober with events throughout the month in honor of Coming Out Day.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month events

woman with head in hand

Two events in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month will feature Illinois State University’s Shelly Clevenger, Chris Dove, and students at the Normal Public Library.

WZND continues award-winning streak

WZND is a learning laboratory for students headed into a broadcasting career. The station began in 1965 as WILN.

On state, national, and international levels, WZND represents Illinois State University as one of the best college radio stations in the country.

WGLT experiences exciting changes

WGLT microphones on a table.

For the past year, WGLT, ISU’s NPR affiliate housed under the School of Communication, has experienced significant changes and anticipating exciting new opportunities on the horizon.

TV-10 receives nine Silver Dome Awards

Students in TV-10 studios looking at monitors.

The Illinois Broadcasters Association recently awarded Student Silver Dome awards to TV-10 News, consisting of two first places, five second places, and two third places for entire shows and individual work.