Aaron Gyllenhaal, a senior public relations student, shares his experience as a trip leader on an Honors Alternative Spring Break trip this March to Memphis, Tennessee.
Topic: Student Life
Solar Car Team looking for various majors to join effort
The ISU Solar Car Team is looking to expand its roster to help prepare for a national race in July. The team is open to anyone interested and willing to learn. They are seeking those majoring in business, communications, information technology, sustainability, and engineering technology for roles on the team.
Students meet employers with diversity initiatives
The annual Diversity Employer Expo provides students with the opportunity to casually connect with employers during a free dinner and learn about their organization’s diversity initiatives and career opportunities.
Kathy Guthrie receives Outstanding Service to the Student Affairs Profession Award
Kathy Guthrie, M.S. ’00 was presented with the inaugural Outstanding Service to Student Affairs Profession Award at the Illinois State University Alumni and Friends Reception during the 2019 National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference in March.
The Vidette Digital Archives now available through 1980
The Vidette Digital Archives has expanded its online database to include all issues through December 1980.
Nick Mullins publishes in the Journal for Religion, Society and Politics
Nick Mullins, a graduate student in the Department of Politics and Government, recently published a paper in the Journal for Religion, Society and Politics.
Job search strategies simplified
While there is not one job search method that works for everyone, there are three strategies that college students can utilize to be successful.
Bone Student Center Revitalization putting finishing touches on phase one
The first phase of the Bone Student Center Revitalization is winding down as new spaces have started to open to the public over the last month.
It takes a team to bring COB social media to life
In today’s technology driven world, having a strong presence on social media has become a vital marketing tool in the realm of higher education.
Stevenson Center internship opportunities for undergrads
The Stevenson Center for Community and Economic Development is accepting applications for undergraduate students to serve as interns. Interns specialize in public relations or data management and earn academic credit while developing critical job skills. Applicants must be available for both fall 2019 and spring 2020. Email StevensonCenter@IllinoisState.edu to learn more and apply now!