University High School presents Love/Sick

vintage theatre spot light on black curtain with smoke

University High School will present Love/Sick at 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, November 8 and 9, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, November 10. All performances will be in the Ruth A. Stroud Auditorium at U-High. Tickets are available online and at the door. Ticket prices are $10 for adults, $8 for senior citizens, and $5 for students.

Our newest Redbirds: Twins transfer to ISU together

Twins Miriam and Mayra Maldonado on the campus of Illinois State

Miriam and Mayra Maldonado are identical twins with nearly identical backgrounds. The two attended the same schools, participated in the same extracurricular activities, and achieved the same levels of academic excellence. Now, they have transferred to Illinois State to study to become teachers.