School of Theatre and Dance faculty research highlights of fall 2023

Three separate photos. One of Robert Quinlan dressed as his character while backstage. One of Lori Adams acting on stage. One of Janet Wilson speaking at a podium.

At the heart of the Illinois State University School of Theatre and Dance is an expansive faculty of talented and passionate individuals who continue to hone their craft through work in theatrical projects outside of the University to provide the best education for their students.

College of Engineering update, October 24, 2023

Student looking at circuits in a lab

Illinois State’s College of Engineering is on track to welcome its first students in the fall of 2025, with curricular and facility designs, as well as hiring and national searches for key administrative roles, all underway.  

Meet the College of Engineering founding chairs

Quad, fall 2021

In August, Illinois State University’s College of Engineering welcomed Dr. Vijay Devabhaktuni, founding chair of electrical engineering, and Dr. Nesrin Ozalp, founding chair of mechanical engineering.