Publications and presentations from Illinois State University faculty and staff.
Unit: Research and Sponsored Programs
Dr. Nobuko Adachi to address racial assaults toward Asian Americans
The Research Series from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology continues with “Yellow Peril Redux: Reformation of Racial Assaults Toward Asians in Diaspora During the Pandemic.”
Front and center: Simpler nutrition labels mean healthier choices
Dr. Joon Ho Lim is part of a team studying companies that use the Facts Up Front labeling system that makes it easier for customers to understand what they are consuming.
Podcasting Toward Social Change series
A virtual series will explore the connections between podcasting and teaching and learning.
Illinois State University Wonsook Kim School of Art presents the spring 2021 Visiting Artist Lecture Series
Beginning January 26 and running through April 6, each lecture will begin at 7 p.m. and will be offered via Zoom.
Research and Honors, January 26, 2021
Presentations and publications from Illinois State faculty and staff.
Research and Honors, January 19, 2021
Publications and presentations by Illinois State faculty and staff.
Research and Honors, January 12, 2021
Publications and presentations of Illinois State faculty and staff.
Dance students, faculty partner to support each other and make memories
Keeping dance students safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic begins from the floor up.
Illinois State student helping to restore Sugar Creek Savanna
Jesse Smith identified six types of bumblebees on the Quad during his first year as a graduate student in the School of Biological Sciences. When he returned his second year, he found only two species.