Our newest Redbirds: Identical twins ready for Gamma Phi Circus

The Baker twins performing with Chicago's CircEsteem.

Identical twins Julia and Sophie Baker have been surrounded by the hustle and bustle of Chicago for their entire lives. After having an hourlong commute to their high school, the twins are ready to enjoy the convenience of Illinois State’s campus.

Dean delivers Spring 2020 Address

Dr. Diane Zosky

Interim Dean Dr. Diane Zosky emphasizes that the important work being conducted across the College of Arts and Sciences continues in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic and its unprecedented effects.

From the chair: School of Social Work tips for transition

headshot of Doris Houston

During this time of transition, the School of Social Work is committed to providing our students with the support and regular communication they need to have a successful semester of learning as the department transitions to remote instruction.