Mary Jo Fabich is the recipient of the 2018 Stan and Sandy Rives Excellence in Undergraduate Education Award. She will be honored at the annual Founders Day Convocation.
Unit: University College
Getting prepared for finals week
Attend Finals Blitz Finals Blitz is free course review sessions facilitated by tutors of the Julia N. Visor Academic Center. Sessions will run from November 30-December 10, and are open to all students. No appointments are required and students are welcome to attend even if you have never attended tutoring before. Writing assistance is also available for
LinC offers insights on navigating the first year of college
For eight weeks each fall, groups of first-year students take part in a “how-to” course for life after high school, known as Learning in Communities, or LinC.
Human Library seeks volunteers to become Books
The Human Library at Illinois State University is seeking volunteers to tell their stories as human “Books” this fall.
First-ever Freshman Induction Ceremony
The first-ever Freshman Induction Ceremony will be from 3-4 p.m. Sunday, August 20, in Capen Auditorium.
First Year LinC program inspires new students to get involved
First Year Learning in Communities (LinC) help students find their home on campus.
University College names Impact Award winners
Help celebrate Illinois State faculty, staff and students who were nominated for a 2017 Impact Award.
End of Semester Academic Reminders
It’s finally May, which means the end of semester is near! We’ve compiled a list of important reminders for you to close out your academic semester successfully!
Photos: Graduating seniors share new jobs, grad school destinations
Many of our graduating seniors already have jobs lined up or have been accepted to graduate school, ready to take the next step in their careers.
MASAI program relaunched, seeks student mentors
The Mentoring, Academics, Scholarship, and Achievement Initiative (MASAI) is being relaunched with the support of staff in University College.